Roulette Strategy

Written by: Sadonna Price , Expert in Online Casinos and Poker

Roulette strategy focuses on how players bet on each spin, using betting methods or combinations.

So, red or black? American or European? I chatted with some of our senior editors and experienced gamblers on the OnlineUnitedStatesCasinos team to gather their best tips for winning at roulette.

I can’t guarantee these systems will always make you money because the game is purely random, but you might lose less. Plus, adding strategy to the mix can be more fun.

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Math-Based Strategies to Win at Roulette

Roulette betting systems fall into two broad categories: non-progressive and progressive strategies.

Progressive betting means you use a sequence of increasing or decreasing bets. If wagers increase after a loss, this is called a negative progression bet. If wagers increase after a win, this is called a positive progression bet.

If you don’t increase wagers during a roulette session, this is called a non-progressive or flat bet.

Below is an overview of the top roulette betting strategies you’ll encounter.

Fibonacci Strategy

Fibonacci Strategy Infographic

The Fibonacci is a negative progressive betting system, meaning you increase the wager after each losing stake.

It follows a mathematical pattern found in nature, where the sequence increases by the sum of the previous two numbers.

Let’s take a look at how it works:

Starting Bet: This system begins with the sequence 0 and 1. These numbers represent your betting unit, which must be the table’s minimum bet.

For example, if the minimum bet at the table is $5, then your first bet will be $5.

Sequence Progression: When you lose a bet, you add the last two numbers in your current sequence to determine the amount of your next bet.

Let’s break it down:

  • First Bet: Start with 1 unit of the minimum bet. ($5).
  • First Loss: Sequence is 0, 1. Add 0 + 1 = 1. Your next bet is again 1 unit. ($5).
  • Second Loss: Sequence is 0, 1, 1. Add 1 + 1 = 2. Your next bet is 2 units. ($10).
  • Third Loss: Sequence is 0, 1, 1, 2. Add the last two numbers. 1 + 2 = 3. Your next bet is 3 units. ($15).
  • Fourth Loss: Sequence is 0, 1, 1, 2, 3. Add the last two numbers. 2 + 3 = 5. Your next bet is 5 units ($25).
  • Winning: If you win this bet, you’ll recover some of the units you lost. Then reset and start over with a 1-unit bet.

I like to use the Fibonacci sequence because it isn’t as risky as many other strategies, and you can recover all your losses after one or two bets.

To use the Fibonacci system correctly, you should stick to even-money bets and have a big bankroll.

Labouchere Strategy

Labouchere Strategy Infographic

The Labouchere system is also a progressive roulette strategy, which is a bit more complicated.

Let’s go through it step by step:

Create a sequence: You’ll write down any 3-number sequence in the range of the bet limits. For instance, if the wager limit is $5, you might write down 5-7-9. The total of these numbers ($21) is your target profit.

Starting Bet: Add the first and last numbers of your sequence to determine your initial bet. In this example, $5 + $9 = $14. So, your first bet is $14.

Sequence Progression: Let’s see how it works based on the example above.

  • Initial Sequence: 5, 7, 9 (target profit is $21)
  • First Bet: $5 + $9 = $14
  • Win: If you win, cross off your sequence’s first and last numbers. If you win the $14 bet, cross off 5 and 9. Your new sequence is 7, and your next bet is $7.
  • Loss: If you lose, add the amount you just bet to the end of your sequence. If you lose the $14 bet, your new sequence is 5, 7, 9, 14. Your next bet is $5 + $14 = $19.
  • Complete the sequence: Once you’ve crossed out all the numbers, you’ve hit your target profit.

I think the Labouchere system is suitable for players trying to win a target revenue from the game.

Also, online roulette games with an RNG suit this system because of all the math you’ll have to do.

D’Alembert Strategy

D'Alembert Strategy Infographic

In the D’Alembert, you set a base bet and increase the wager by one incremental unit (base bet) after each losing bet.

Let’s go through it step by step:

Set a Base Bet: Determine your base bet amount. For example, let’s use $5 as the base bet.

Bet Progression: Increase your bet by one unit after each loss. After a win, decrease your bet by one unit, but never go below the base bet.

Sequence Progression:

  • First Bet: Start with the base bet of $5.
  • Loss: Increase the next bet by $5 (the base bet), so your next bet is $10.
  • Loss: Increase the next bet by another $5, so your next bet is $15.
  • Loss: Increase the next bet by another $5, so your next bet is $20.
  • Win: After a win, decrease the next bet by $5, so your next bet is $15.

I prefer strategies that aren’t harsh on my bankroll during a losing streak, and the D’Alembert strategy works well for those who want a safer betting system.

The increments are smaller, which helps manage your bankroll better and reduces the risk of large losses.

Martingale Strategy

Martingale Strategy Infographic

Martingale is a negative progressive system in which a person doubles their wager after losing a bet.

The idea is to recover all previous losses and, when you win, make a profit equal to the base bet.

Let’s take a look at how it works:

Set a Base: Decide your base bet amount. Let’s use $5 again.

Bet Progression: Double your bet after each loss. After a win, return to the base bet.

Sequence Progression:

  • First Bet: Start with an even-money bet of the base. So $5.
  • Loss: Double the next bet to $10.
  • Loss: Double the next bet to $20.
  • Loss: Double the next bet to $40.
  • Win: Once you win, go back to the base bet of $5.

This strategy assures you’ll cover losses and win back the base bet after each sequence if you win.

On the other hand, the risk of ruin is possible if you have a long losing streak. This system can only be used on even money bets.

In my view, the Martingale strategy can give you steady wins for a while. But, if you hit a long losing streak, you’ll eventually reach the table’s betting limit, and that’s when you’ll face a big loss.

It sounds good in theory and should allow players to win their initial wager no matter what, as eventually, they’ll win.

The problem is that every spin is independent of previous spins in roulette. The fact red has come up four times in a row, for example, doesn’t give black a higher chance of coming up next time.

This means that hot streaks can occur, and if a player uses this system, they could lose their bankroll very quickly. That’s why I wouldn’t recommend using this system.

But if you do, then be prepared with a huge bankroll, lots of patience, and nerves of steel.

Paroli System

Paroli Roulette Strategy

Paroli is a positive progressive system, meaning you increase the wager after a winning bet. In this case, you double the wager after every win and regress to the base bet after a loss.

Let’s take a look at how it works:

Set base bet: Let’s use $5 again.

Bet Progression: Double your bet after each win. After a loss, return to $5. After three consecutive wins, go back to the base bet regardless of the outcome.

Sequence Progression:

  • First Bet: Start with an even-money bet of the base. So $5.
  • Win: Double the next bet to $10.
  • Win: Double the next bet to $20.
  • Win: Double the next bet to $40.
  • 4th Bet: Return to the base bet of $5, even if you won the previous bet.

This pattern continues, with you doubling the bet after each win and returning to the base bet after a loss or three consecutive wins.

This roulette strategy is good for taking advantage of winning streaks and minimizing losses. It’s less risky than the Martingale since you only increase your bets with your winnings.

Other Roulette Strategies

These roulette strategies don’t call for increasing your wager after each bet. Instead, they rely on flat betting.

You set a preferred wager amount based on your bankroll, then make that bet your default throughout the session.

Here are some examples.

James Bond Strategy Infographic

James Bond Strategy

The James Bond roulette strategy is a specific roulette bet. It requires 20 units of bets and covers every number on a European roulette wheel except 1-12.

Place 14 units on the outside bet 19-36 (Hi) for a 1:1 payout. Place 5 units on the six-line 13-14-15-16-17-18 for a 5:1 payout. Then place an inside bet on the single zero for a 35:1 payout.

You win varying levels of payouts 2/3 of the time, but you also lose certain bets on each spin.

The James Bond betting system calls for players to spread 20 units among the various betting options, so it’s best for players who make flat bets with relatively small stakes.

It’s best to pick a single wager size and make that your default for each spin.

Three-Two System

Three-Two System

This system calls for two simultaneous wagers: an even-money bet and a column one.

Place a $3 wager on the red or black proposition, plus $2 on one of the three columns (1-12, 13-24, 25-36) that includes 2/3 of the numbers the other bet covers. This covers 26 pockets on the roulette wheel.

The betting ratio is 3 to 2, so you could make wagers of $15/$10 or even $300/$200 in the same ratio.

The 3-2 roulette system is excellent for roulette players who want to win chips on most spins.

It’s much like a slot machine with many small payouts, but it also offers the occasional 35:1 payout to boost your excitement.

Which Roulette Betting Strategies Are Better?

roulette strategy Risk Calculation Dial Icon

Players should choose their favorite progressive roulette strategy based on how aggressive they plan to be. Martingale and Fibonacci are highly aggressive systems, while D’Alembert is less so.

As always, the more assertive players are, the more risk they face when they have bad luck.

Negative progression systems like the Martingale, D’Alembert, and Fibonacci are the most popular because they collect winnings and cover previous losses. However, other players prefer positive progression strategies like the Paroli.

Some also avoid progressive betting altogether and instead focus on placing wagers to cover as much of the roulette layout as possible on any given spin. These gamblers often focus on betting systems like the 3-2 and James Bond.

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The Online United States Casinos expert Webster Lupton compiled a list of the best Online Roulette casinos for US players. You can rest assured that the games are legit and not rigged. Check out what each site has to offer!

How To Choose The Most Successful Roulette Strategy

You can choose your roulette strategy by considering each of the following criteria to make the best out of your gameplay.

Roulette Game

Consider the roulette game that you are playing when employing betting strategies.

Whether you’re using a system or not, you want to play on a European wheel, which offers a 97.30 percent return rate.

Note that you can do even better by finding a European wheel that pays half back when losing even-money bets land on zero. This variant is often known as French Roulette.

Check Betting Limits

Some progressive betting systems like the Martingale, Reverse-Martingale, and Fibonacci strategies require high wager limits. If you plan to use those systems, find a roulette table with both flexible and high bet limits.

If you use strategies like the James Bond or the 3-2 and don’t have a big bankroll, search for tables with low bet limits. Some live dealer roulette casinos offer $1 roulette tables.

Betting System

Progressive betting systems stake a lot of money on one single betting proposition. In contrast, non-progressive betting schemes spread your wagers around the betting layout, hoping to secure a lot of small winning spins.

High-rollers and low-stakes players can use non-progressive strategies. Those who use progressive bets must find tables with high limits because their strategies require much larger bets in rare situations.  

Make the Most of these Roulette Strategies to Win

It’s essential to understand roulette strategies to maximize your chances of winning. With this complete guide, you have all the information you need to start playing like a pro.

I have tried all roulette strategies, but my favorite is the Fibonacci. It’s the least risky, easier to use, and offers somewhat consistent wins. The three-two system and the Paroli are also great and easy to use.

Try these betting strategies online at our recommended roulette casinos. Sign up today and start winning big!


These are the most frequently asked questions that players have about roulette strategies.

How do I play roulette using a strategy?

You can use progressive or non-progressive systems to play roulette using a strategy. Progressive roulette systems vary your bet after either a winning or a losing wager, while non-progressive ones call for elaborate bets that cover as much as two-thirds of the layout with chips.

What is the best strategy for roulette?

The best strategy for roulette is Flat betting. If you want a safe and fun approach to roulette, determine your bankroll and make flat bets based on roughly 2% of that bankroll.

Are there any truly successful roulette strategies?

You’ll find hundreds of roulette strategies online and in books, and most will get you absolutely nowhere. So you’re better off saving your time and money.

As roulette is purely random with a fixed house edge, there’s no strategy that a player can implement to overcome the house and be profitable in the long run.

Should I use other less popular roulette betting systems out there?

You’ll be able to find a wide range of other roulette betting systems online and in roulette books. Each has its own unique method of betting.

Some systems or strategies will look more compelling than others, but the truth is that roulette spins are independent and random, and the house edge is fixed no matter what.

The best you can do is choose your roulette game wisely and know how to manage your bankroll.

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Sadonna Price

Sadonna Price Expert in Online Casinos and Poker

Sadonna is a gambling content writer and former professional poker player that loves using her creativity to provide insight into the most interesting aspects of the casino world.

Learn More About Sadonna